A Family Membership may be granted by submitting a Family Membership Application under the sponsorship of an existing active club member. The application will be processed by the Club in the same manner as an application for any active membership in the Club.
Family membership aims to increase club membership and provide additional flexibility in meeting club membership requirements. Family membership in Rotary Club of El Dorado Hills requires that one family member will be designated as responsible for the weekly meal costs and for any billable costs associated with club activities. Club bills will be addressed to the family.
Initiation Fee:
$100 (includes Rotary shirt, name tag, pin, and administrative set-up fee)
$80 (includes $10 to Rotary International*, $11 breakfast/week, and $36 District & International fees
Family Membership
Family Membership Costs
Annual Dues: Same as established for active members.
Club Initiation Fee: $100 one-time fee. This fee is to be waived for conversions involving members who are currently club members in good standing.
The second family member will only be billed at a monthly rate of $35 to cover international, local district dues, and contributions to The Rotary Foundation.
Attendance Requirements
We encourage all members to regularly attend meetings in person or via Zoom (when available). Occasional absences are anticipated. Rotary International does require us to track attendance for statistical purposes only, so be sure you’ve checked in each week.
Also included in club attendance are visiting another club, helping with a project, attending a district meeting or fellowship event, engaging with Rotary online, or volunteering in the community. Please report Rotary and volunteer activities to edhrotary@gmail.com.